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Oppikirjat ja -materiaali
[KRE8]: Kreyszig, painos 8 (vanhemmatkin käyvät)
[KRE9]: Kreyszig, painos 9
[LAY]: Lay, painos 3
References to textbooks will be given below.
Sivuja luennolle 1
Background material
LAY: (details in material below)
KRE9: Ch 7: (KRE8 Ch 6) Linear Algebra, Matrices ... (Cramer's rule not required).
Eigenvalues/vectors from either Lay or KRE (partly repetition from
math 1 and 2)
Sivuja luennoille 2-3 (to-pe,6-7.11)
LAY: Elementary Matrices p. 122-125, LU factorization pp. 142-146
KRE9: 20.2 (KRE8: 18.2) Exa 1: Dolittles' method. Cholesky's method not required.
BUT: Operations with elementary matrices required, they are not included in KRE.
KRE9: 20.1 (KRE8 18.1) Gauss elimination, partial pivoting, difficulty with small pivots.
Sivuja luennoille 4-6 (11-14.11)
LAY 7.1: Diagonalization of symmetric matrices,
KRE8: 7.3: Symmetric (ei skew), orthogonal matrices, 7.5: Similarity, Basis of
Eigenvectors, Diagonalization. (Ei: Transformation to Principal Axes)
Ortogonaaliprojektio ja PNS-menetelmä:
LAY Ch. 6: 6.1 - 6.3, 6.5, 6.6
KRE9 20.5 KRE8 18.5 "Least squares Method" is not sufficient, LAY strongly recommended. (KRE-kirjassa on toki ongelman asettelu selkeästi ja sopivia
esimerkkejä, mutta normaaliyhtälöiden
ulkoa opettelu KRE-kaavojen muodossa ei ole järjellistä puuhaa, eikä ole yleistyskelpoinen.)
Construction of QR-decomposition not required, but given QR, you are expected
to know how to use it.
Ominaisarvojen laskentaa:
Interpolation methods (like Lagrange, Newton) not required. But you are
assumed to be able to set up
the appropriate system of linear equations and of course to understand what
interpolation means.
KRE9: 20.7 (KRE8 18.7) Inclusion of Matrix Eigenvalues:
Gerschgorin's theorem + extension, theorems 1,2,3. (Thms 4,5,6 NOT REQUIRED).
Sivuja luennoille 7-10 (18-21.11)
Systems of differential equations
KRE9 Ch. 4 : 4.1 (not electrical networks), 4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5, 4.6
(KRE8 Ch3: 3.1 ...3.6)
(also matrix exponential function required, not included in either textbook,
Finnish text given below)
LAY 5.7: Applications to to diff. eq. (Well explained but not sufficient
on the topic of ODE-systems.)
Harjoitus 4 AV tehtävät. Muista: LV on tietokoneharj.
pe 21.11:
Alunperin Matlab, nyt Java (John Pohlking, Rice University)
su 23.11:
Toinen ratkaisutapa: (alla oleva linkki myös tässä):
eA t , Yleistetyt ominaisvektorit, Jordanin hajotelma
Sivuja luennoille 11-13 (25-28.11)
ti 25.11.
Harjoitus 5, tehtävät
to 27.11.
pe 28.11.
ti 2.12.
Numerical methods for ODE-systems
KRE9 CH 21 : 21.1,21.3, (KRE8 Ch 19: 19.1,19.3) Multistep methods NOT REQUIRED. The required methods are:
Euler, explicit and implicit, Runge-Kutta 4. (The formulas for Runge-Kutta
will be given, Euler will not.)
Siis: Tenttipaperissa annetaan RK4, mutta EI kumpaakaan Euleria.
to-pe 4-5.12.
Numerical methods for PDEs
KRE9 21.4 Methods for Elliptic, no iterative methods for linear systems
required. (No Gauss-Seidel, no ADI etc.)
21.6 Methods for parabolic PDEs.
KRE8: 21:n sijasta 19.
ti 9.12.
Kts. myös tätä hartj6ohje-tiedostoa
Briefly and superficially.
KRE9 Ch 11: 11.1,11.2,11.3. (KRE8 Ch 10:...) Basically only formulas in 11.3 are needed,
and they are given in the exam paper.
Osittaisdiffyhtälöiden analyyttisiä ratkaisumenmetelmiä, muuttujien erottelu
KRE9 Ch. 12, 12.1, 12.5 (KRE8: 12:n sijasta 11) Heat equ, Exa 1,2,3 (insulated ends not included),
Steady state 2-dim. heat probl==> Laplace equation (hence: whole 12.5 except
Exa 4,5)