Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis


Doctoral studies

If you are interested in doctoral studies in mathematics, operations research or systems analysis, please contact one of the professors at the Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis.

Our doctoral students work in the research groups; the specialization areas of the groups reflect possible thesis topics. The doctoral students belong to the Aalto Doctoral Programme in Science. Click here for more information about how to apply.

Contact person for the doctoral programme:

Professor Fabricio Oliveira

Doctoral Theses

Below is a list of recent doctoral theses completed in the programme. Full texts of all theses are accessible from the Aaltodoc publication archive.

(Updated 01.10.2024)
Author Title
O. Herrala Mixed-integer formulations for large-scale energy-environmental optimization
P. Karanko Distributional Security for OWF, PRF and Garbling
K. Myyryläinen Parabolic bounded mean oscillation and Muckenhoupt weights
M. Allaix
Quantum Private Information Retrieval from Coded Storage Systems
M. Ardiyansyah Algebraic Aspects of Hidden Variable Models
N. Belyak Modelling and solution methods for renewables-driven energy markets
T. Kuutela Computational and theoretical models in diffuse imaging
O. Kuznetsova Interactions of Algebra, Statistics and Optimization
J. Mäntysaari Optimization approaches for dynamic environmental and energy management problems
J.-P. Puska Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design in Imaging
J. Roponen Computational models for adversarial risk analysis and probabilistic scenario planning
N. Shafik On complicated dependency structures
S. Helander New approaches for analysing functional data - a focus on shape
E.-K. Kurki Weight theory on bounded domains and metric measure spaces
P. Laitila Advancing incorporation of expert knowledge into Bayesian networks
K. Moring Regularity theory for nonlinear parabolic PDEs: gradient estimates, stability and the obstacle problem
M. Orlich Homology and Combinatorics of Monomial Ideals
C. Pacchiano Camacho Nonlinear variational problems on metric measure spaces
P. Raittinen On statistical analysis and machine learning in prostate cancer research
J. Weigt Endpoint regularity of maximal functions in higher dimensions
J. Andelmin Models and algorithms for vehicle routing, resource allocation, and multi-stage decision-making under uncertainty
D. Andrei Extensions of the multicentric functional calculus
V. Candiani Computational approaches in electrical impedance tomography with applications to head imaging
S. Evdoridis Geometric properties of harmonic and polyharmonic mappings
L. Jakobsson Representation Stability for Cellular Resolutions
J. Karjalainen Structure and estimation of network models with overlapping communities
J. Lindgren The principle of least action and stochastic dynamic optimal control — Applications to economic, financial and physical systems
E. Tosoni Novel methods of scenario analysis for the probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear waste storage and disposal facilities
A. von Schantz Numerical simulation and optimization models for socio-dynamical features of crowd evacuation
F. Blomqvist On Decoding Problems, Lattices and Generalized Concatenated Codes
E. Bock On the Foundations of White-Box Cryptography
M. Damir Well-Rounded Lattices and Applications to Physical Layer Security
N. Lietzén On blind source separation under exotic data structures
A. Mancuso Risk-informed optimization of mitigation strategies in safety-critical systems
A. Ojalammi Solution of coupled acoustic eigenvalue problems
L. Perkkiö Computational Problems in Simulation of Electrical Machines
M. Vestberg Doubly nonlinear parabolic equations
M. Voutilainen New approaches for modeling and estimation of discrete and continuous time stationary processes
V. Vuojamo On Hypercomplex and Time-Frequency Analysis
M. Grezet On Matroid Theory and Distributed Data Storage
A. Gutiérrez Metric compactification of Banach spaces
T. Häkkinen On Computational Modeling of Biological Development
M. Heikkilä On Multivariate Extremes
A. Karrila Conformally invariant scaling limits of random curves and correlations
R. Tajeddine Private Information Retrieval from Coded Storage
V. Virasjoki Optimization Models for Assessing Energy Systems in Transition
T. Gustafsson Finite Element Methods for Contact Problems
Y. Hynninen Model-based efficiency analyses of healthcare delivery
M. Laaksonen On Numerical Solution of Multiparametric Eigenvalue Problems
P. Lehtelä Generalized solutions to the porous medium equation
C. Lindfors Regularity for nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations
S. Ruutu Dynamic modelling for the analysis and support of systemic innovations and competition strategies

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