Mathematical Physics
Welcome to the home page of the research group in
Mathematical Physics at Aalto University. Our group conducts research in constructive quantum field theories, conformal field theory, random geometry and fractals.
Open positions
Random geometry and conformal field theory
Algebra and geometry of supersymmetric gauge theories
- Väisälä Prize awarded to Eveliina Peltola in December 2024
- Väisälä Project Grant has been granted to Oscar Kivinen in June 2024
- Oscar Kivinen has joined the faculty in fall 2023
- Eveliina Peltola has received an ERC starting grant "Interplay of structures in conformal and universal random geometry" ISCoURaGe (2023-2028)
- Tuomas Sahlsten has been appointed as an Academy Research Fellow (Academy of Finland), 2022-2027 [Tuomas moved to the University of Helsinki as an Associate Professor in September 2023]
- Kalle Kytölä and Eveliina Peltola are members of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Randomness and Structures (FiRST), 2022-2029
- Eveliina Peltola has been appointed as an Academy Research Fellow (Academy of Finland), 2021-2025
Prospective students
We provide
Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral theses topics at the interface between mathematics and physics. Possible research topics include, but are not limited to, constructive quantum field theories, conformal field theory, random geometry, supersymmetric gauge theories and fractals. If you are interested in one of our research topics, please feel free to contact Kalle Kytölä, Eveliina Peltola, or Oscar Kivinen.
We also provide Summer Internships for outstanding students. These are advertised in the department's website.
You are also welcome to take part in any of our
lecture courses related to mathematical physics.
Recent publications
Individual publication records can be found on the
Aalto research page, where you can also find an overview of
research output for the Mathematical Physics area. For preprints check the
math arxiv and individual homepages.
Scientific events
- Trimester Program Probabilistic methods in quantum field theory @ HIM, Bonn, May-Aug 2025.
See also this list of international events
Mathematical Physics Seminar
Upcoming seminars
- 27.3. 11:15 Vlad Margarint (University of North Carolina at Charlotte): Law of the Schramm-Loewner Evolution (SLE) tip, and a bridge between Multiple SLEs and Random Matrix Theory – M2 (M233)
In the first part of the talk, I will introduce some basic ideas of SLE theory, and discuss one of our results in the one SLE curve case, concerning the law of the SLE tip at a fixed time. In the second part of the talk, I will focus on the multiple SLE curves, and I will describe a new toolbox that connects Multiple Schramm-Loewner Evolutions and Random Matrix Theory. One aspect of this research direction is centered in an interacting particle systems model, namely the Dyson Brownian motion. I will describe the connection with Random Matrix Theory via a first application of our method. I will also discuss some open problems that emerge both in the one SLE curve and Multiple SLE curves picture. The first part is a joint work with O. Butkovsky and Y. Yuan, and the second part is a joint work with A. Campbell and K. Luh.
- 8.4. 10:15 Yoh Tanimoto (University of Rome Tor Vergata): Wightman and Osterwalder-Schrader axioms for two-dimensional CFT – M3 (M234)
We give an overview of various approaches to quantum field theory in general and an algebraic framework specific to two-dimensional CFT, (full) vertex operator algebras. One can define correlation functions in a full vertex algebra under some regularity conditions. We show that, under unitarity, they satisfy the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms. We sketch how the Wightman fields are recovered. (joint with Maria Stella Adamo, Luca Giorgetti and Yuto Moriwaki)
- 15.4. 10:15 Jiasheng Lin (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche): Entanglement Entropy and Conical Singularities – M3 (M234)
In this talk we describe the work (arXiv:2501.19014) in collaboration with B. Estienne where we demonstrate a purely mathematical and geometric construction which recovers some results of Cardy and Calabrese on the so-called entanglement entropy. We start by explaining briefly the Segal picture of CFT (and QFT), and its natural relation to path-integral formulation. Then we introduce the entanglement entropy, and relate it to conical surfaces via path-integral and the "replica trick". Then we say briefly about geometry of conical singularities. Finally we formulate the main result of the work: we define CFT "partition functions" on surfaces with conical singularities, using a "Hadamard renormalization'' of the Polyakov anomaly integral. Then for a branched cover $f:\Sigma_d→\Sigma$ of degree $d$, the ratio $Z(\Sigma_d,f^*g)/Z(\Sigma,g)^d$ of partition functions transforms under conformal changes of g like a correlation function of CFT primary operators of specific conformal weights.
University of Helsinki:
Seminar and workshops in mathematical physics
The mathematical physics group is supported by

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