Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Welcome to the home page of the research area of
Algebra and Discrete Mathematics at Aalto University. Our members conduct research in areas that include algebraic geometry, algebraic statistics, combinatorics, coding theory, cryptography, Lie theory, matrix theory, number theory, and representation theory.
Algebra and algebraic geometry
Coding theory and cryptography
Lie theory and representation theory
Number theory
- Rahinatou Yuh Njah Nchiwo won the 3 Minute Thesis competition at the Finnish Quantum Days in September 2024.
- Oscar Kivinen started as an Assistant Professor in September 2023.
Prospective students
We provide
master's and
doctoral theses topics related to the above areas. The links contain lists of current topics and past theses. Contact the faculty and check their personal webpages for more info.
You are also welcome to take part in any of our
lecture courses related to algebra and discrete mathematics.
Recent publications
Here is the
research output for the Algebra and Discrete Mathematics area. On this site you can also find the research output of individuals and links to full texts of articles when available. For preprints check the
math arxiv and individual homepages.
Scientific events
Upcoming seminars
- 10.4. 14:15 Hana Ephremidze (Universität Bonn): TBA – M2 (M233)
- 10.4. 16:15 Prof. Iván Blanco Chacón (U. Alcalá): A friendly invitation to Langlands's functoriality – M3 (M234)
Elliptic curves and modular forms bring Galois representations (don't worry, these terms will be introduced/recalled in the talk). One of the many versions of Taylor-Wiles modularity theorem rephrases as: "representations attached to rational elliptic curves come from modular forms".
The power of this somewhat abstract statement is that it allows to prove Fermat's Last Theorem (with the aid of Ribet's level lowering theorem and Frey's curve, but that's other story).
In 2007, Dieulefait gave the first proof of the Serre modularity conjecture, generalising Taylor-Wiles, namely: Any rational Galois representation which "looks like" modular, is indeed modular. This statement was generalised in full by Khare and Wintenberger in 2011 (and that's also another story...)
Since then, a series of hits have established that any 2-dimensional "regular enough" Galois representation comes from modular-ish forms (namely, automorphic forms), so establishing a (conjectural) dictionary between arithmetic representations and automorphic ones. However, the following question remains openut (up to some minor results, includig the speaker's ones): to determine which group-theoretical representations preserve automorphicity.
The present talk is an introductory account of these ideas, a discussion of what's open and, time permitting, a statement of two of the works by the speaker.
Algebra and Discrete Mathematics at Aalto is supported by
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