Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis


Algebra and Discrete Mathematics

Welcome to the home page of the research area of Algebra and Discrete Mathematics at Aalto University. Our members conduct research in areas that include algebraic geometry, algebraic statistics, combinatorics, coding theory, cryptography, Lie theory, matrix theory, number theory, and representation theory. 



Algebra and algebraic geometry
Coding theory and cryptography
Lie theory and representation theory
Number theory

Full list of members


  • Rahinatou Yuh Njah Nchiwo won the 3 Minute Thesis competition at the Finnish Quantum Days in September 2024.
  • Oscar Kivinen started as an Assistant Professor in September 2023.

Prospective students


We provide bachelor'smaster's and doctoral theses topics related to the above areas. The links contain lists of current topics and past theses. Contact the faculty and check their personal webpages for more info.


You are also welcome to take part in any of our lecture courses related to algebra and discrete mathematics.

Recent publications

Here is the research output for the Algebra and Discrete Mathematics area.  On this site you can also find the research output of individuals and links to full texts of articles when available. For preprints check the math arxiv and individual homepages.

Scientific events

List of past events


Upcoming seminars

  • 20.2. 14:15  Aki Mori (Setsunan University): Simplex faces of order and chain polytopes – M2 (M233)

    Order polytopes and chain polytopes, associated with partially ordered sets, were introduced by Stanley in 1986. In 2016, Hibi and Li proposed the following conjecture concerning the number of faces of these polytopes in each dimension: (a) For any dimension i (≥1), the number of i-dimensional faces of an order polytope does not exceed that of the corresponding chain polytope. (b) If the numbers of i-dimensional faces of both polytopes coincide for some i (≥1), then the two polytopes are unimodularly equivalent. In this talk, we will provide an overview of the current progress on this conjecture and discuss results obtained specifically for faces of simplices.

  • 27.2. 14:15  Kostiantyn Tolmachov (Universität Hamburg): TBA – M2 (M233)
  • 6.3. 14:15  Thomas Karam (University of Oxford): TBA – Zoom
  • 12.3. 16:15  Prof. Marcus Greferath (University College Dublin/Aalto): Some old and new ideas on noiseless and noisy group testing – M3 (M234)

    Group Testing is an area in information and communication sciences that is as well-established as Coding Theory and Cryptography. The author of this talk stumbled over this amazingly interesting topic during the recent COVID-19 pandemic and came to the moderately surprising observation that (non-adaptive) group testing in both the noiseless and the noisy (=error-correcting) case, may be considered as coding theory over the Boolean semi-field (1+1=1). Following this path, he discovered new and re-discovered known results of the theory that now allow for a presentation in a new skin. This talk will delve into the topic and show how Noiseless and Noisy Group Testing can be connected to Partially Ordered Sets, Residuation, Partial Linear Spaces, Configurations, Barbilian Spaces, and Block Designs, which gives raise to further applications of Finite Geometry and Order Theory.

  • 3.4. 14:15  Hana Ephremidze (Universität Bonn): TBA – M2 (M233)

Full list of our seminars

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