Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis


Algebra and Discrete Mathematics

Welcome to the home page of the research area of Algebra and Discrete Mathematics at Aalto University. Our members conduct research in areas that include algebraic geometry, algebraic statistics, combinatorics, coding theory, cryptography, Lie theory, matrix theory, number theory, and representation theory.

Open positions




Algebra and algebraic geometry
Coding theory and cryptography
Lie theory and representation theory
Number theory

Full list of members


  • Oscar Kivinen started as an Assistant Professor in September 2023.

Prospective students


We provide bachelor'smaster's and doctoral theses topics related to the above areas. The links contain lists of current topics and past theses. Contact the faculty and check their personal webpages for more info.


You are also welcome to take part in any of our lecture courses related to algebra and discrete mathematics.

Recent publications

Here is the research output for the Algebra and Discrete Mathematics area.  On this site you can also find the research output of individuals and links to full texts of articles when available. For preprints check the math arxiv and individual homepages.

Scientific events


List of past events


Upcoming seminars

  • 28.10. 14:15  Dr. Maiara Bollauf (Simula, U. Bergen): TBA – M2 (M233)
  • 29.10. 15:15  Petteri Kaski: A universal sequence of tensors for the asymptotic rank conjecture – M2 (M233)

    The exponent $\sigma(T)$ of a tensor $T\in\mathbb{F}^d\otimes\mathbb{F}^d\otimes\mathbb{F}^d$ over a field $\mathbb{F}$ captures the base of the exponential growth rate of the tensor rank of $T$ under Kronecker powers. Tensor exponents are fundamental from the standpoint of algorithms and computational complexity theory; for example, the exponent $\omega$ of matrix multiplication can be characterized as $\omega=2\sigma(\mathrm{MM}_2)$, where $\mathrm{MM}_2\in\mathbb{F}^4\otimes\mathbb{F}^4\otimes\mathbb{F}^4$ is the tensor that represents $2\times 2$ matrix multiplication. Our main result is an explicit construction of a sequence $\mathcal{U}_d$ of zero-one-valued tensors that is universal for the worst-case tensor exponent; more precisely, we show that $\sigma(\mathcal{U}_d)=\sigma(d)$ where $\sigma(d)=\sup_{T\in\mathbb{F}^d\otimes\mathbb{F}^d\otimes\mathbb{F}^d}\sigma(T)$. We also supply an explicit universal sequence $\mathcal{U}_\Delta$ localised to capture the worst-case exponent $\sigma(\Delta)$ of tensors with support contained in $\Delta\subseteq [d]\times[d]\times [d]$; by combining such sequences, we obtain a universal sequence $\mathcal{T}_d$ such that $\sigma(\mathcal{T}_d)=1$ holds if and only if Strassen's asymptotic rank conjecture [Progr. Math. 120 (1994)] holds for $d$. Finally, we show that the limit $\lim_{d\rightarrow\infty}\sigma(d)$ exists and can be captured as $\lim_{d\rightarrow\infty} \sigma(D_d)$ for an explicit sequence $(D_d)_{d=1}^\infty$ of tensors obtained by diagonalisation of the sequences $\mathcal{U}_d$. As our second result we relate the absence of polynomials of fixed degree vanishing on tensors of low rank, or more generally asymptotic rank, with upper bounds on the exponent $\sigma(d)$. Using this technique, one may bound asymptotic rank for all tensors of a given format, knowing enough specific tensors of low asymptotic rank. Joint work with Mateusz Michałek (U. Konstanz). arXiv:

  • 5.11. 15:15  Alex Takeda: TBA – M2 (M233)


  • 6.11. 16:15  Prof. Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen (U. Helsinki): TBA – M3 (M234)
  • 19.11. 15:15  Milo Orlich: TBA – M2 (M233)


  • 26.11. 15:15  Lizao Ye: TBA – M2 (M233)


  • 7.1. 10:00  Prof. Guillermo Mantilla-Soler (National U. Colombia Medellin): Seminar course: An introduction to Dirichlet’s L-functions and a proof of Dirichlet’s theorem of primes in arithmetic progressions

    Seminar course (2+ cr, 7.-17.1.2025): We will begin this course by reviewing Euler's change of paradigm, with respect to Euclid, and his proof on infinitude of primes. Then, we will study the generalization made by Dirichlet, and will prove Dirichlet’s theorem on arithmetic progression. Through the course we will learn about the development of L-functions, character theory and the beginning of the relation between Galois representations and certain complex functions. There will be 5 sessions during 2 weeks. Attendance to all gives 2 cr. More credits are available upon request by completing further assignments. Precise session times to be announced later.

Full list of our seminars

  • ANTA Seminar
  • There are also number theory seminars at both at Turku and Helsinki.

Algebra and Discrete Mathematics at Aalto is supported by


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