Workshop on Numerics and Stochastics


Speakers and program


Travelling and accommodation

Helsinki University of Technology
Institute of Mathematics

University of Jyväskylä
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Department of Mathematical Information Technology

Workshop on Numerics and Stochastics
August 25-29, 2008


To register, send email to

Please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Institution and address
  • Date of arrival and departure
  • Indication if you propose a talk, a (preliminary) title

Deadline for registration is August 1, 2008. In case you propose a talk, an early registration is encouraged. Participation in the workshop is free of charge, but there will be a small charge for social events.

All speakers are asked to submit an abstract by August 1. Please use the provided TeX template file and send us the TeX source file. The abstract should not exceed one page in length.

Mika Juntunen Last modified: Mon Jun 4 10:31:25 EEST 2007