Tampere 2006, ideointia

Kursseja: Seminaari HY:ssä 1983 - 1984

Matematiikan sovellusprojektit Syksy 1984 to 27.9. ja 2.10. HA: Tietok. käyttö matem. ongelmanratk.


Ohjelmistolinkkejä: www.nag.com www.vni.com IMSL

NAG was founded in 1970 as a collaborative venture combining the talents of many globally renowned mathematicians. In 1971 NAG developed the first mathematical software library, which, over the next three decades, has evolved to become what is is today, the largest commercially available collection of high quality mathematical and statistical algorithms.

Since 1970, Visual Numerics has developed leading edge data analysis and visualization solutions for technical and scientific communities worldwide. We have offices in the United States as well as in Mexico, Europe and Asia. Visual Numerics' customers include Fortune 500 companies, leading multi-national corporations, large government laboratories and universities. Over 500,000 developers in 65 countries use our products.

LINPACK was designed for supercomputers in use in the 1970s and early 1980s. LINPACK has been largely superceded by LAPACK, which has been designed to run efficiently on shared-memory, vector supercomputers.

# LAPACK, Version 1.0         Date:  February 29, 1992
# LAPACK, Version 1.0a        Date:  June 30, 1992
# LAPACK, Version 1.0b        Date:  October 31, 1992
# LAPACK, Version 1.1         Date:  March 31, 1993
# LAPACK, Version 2.0         Date:  September 30, 1994
# LAPACK, Version 3.0         Date:  June 30, 1999
# LAPACK, Version 3.0 (update) Date: October 31, 1999
# LAPACK, Version 3.0 (update) Date: May 31, 2000
MATLAB started its life in the late 1970s as an interactive calculator built on top of LINPACK and EISPACK, which were then state-of-the-art Fortran subroutine libraries for matrix computation. The mathematical core for all versions of MATLAB, up to version 5.3, has used translations to C of about a dozen of the Fortran subroutines from LINPACK and EISPACK.

APL is a programming language originally created by Ken Iverson in the 1960's. APL began as a notation to describe mathematical ideas. The notation consists of a set of symbols and a syntax to describe the processing of data.

The power of APL comes from its direct manipulation of n-dimensional arrays of data. The APL primitives express broad ideas of data manipulation. These rich and powerful primitives can be strung together to perform in one line what would require pages in other programming languages.

APL's interactive environment encourages experimentation and facilitates rapid prototyping and modification of programs and applications. APL is one of the most concise, consistent, and powerful programming languages ever devised.


Company Founder: Stephen Wolfram Wolfram Research Calendar

The History of Mathematica

Mathematica is the world's most powerful general computation system. First released in 1988, it has had a profound effect on the way computers are used in technical and other fields.

It is often said that the release of Mathematica marked the beginning of modern technical computing. Ever since the 1960s individual packages had existed for specific numerical, algebraic, graphical, and other tasks. But the visionary concept of Mathematica was to create once and for all a single system that could handle all the various aspects of technical computing--and beyond--in a coherent and unified way. The key intellectual advance that made this possible was the invention of a new kind of symbolic computer language that could for the first time manipulate the very wide range of objects needed to achieve the generality required for technical computing using only a fairly small number of basic primitives.

When Mathematica 1.0 was released, The New York Times wrote that "the importance of the program cannot be overlooked," and Business Week later ranked Mathematica among the 10 most important new products of the year. Mathematica was also hailed in the technical community as a major intellectual and practical revolution.

At first, Mathematica's impact was felt mainly in the physical sciences, engineering, and mathematics. But over the years, Mathematica has become important in a remarkably wide range of fields, technical and otherwise. Mathematica is used today throughout the sciences--physical, biological, social, and other--and counts many of the world's foremost scientists among its enthusiastic supporters. It has played a crucial role in many important discoveries and has been the basis for thousands of technical papers. In engineering, Mathematica has become a standard for both development and production, and by now many of the world's important new products rely at one stage or another on Mathematica in their design. In commerce, Mathematica has played a significant role in the growth of sophisticated financial modeling, and is being widely used in many kinds of general planning and analysis. Mathematica has also emerged as an important tool in computer science and software development: its language component is widely used as a research, prototyping, and interface environment.

The largest part of Mathematica's user community consists of technical and other professionals. But Mathematica is also heavily used in education, and there are now many hundreds of courses--from high school to graduate school--based on it. In addition, with the availability of student versions, Mathematica has become a popular and prestigious tool for students around the world.

---------------------- Maple technology has been trusted as a cutting edge mathematical and technical tool for over 25 years. In that time, millions of users from around the world have used and relied on the power of Maple for their research, testing, analysis, design, teaching, and schoolwork. Maple 10, the current release, builds upon Maplesoft's rich product

------------------------------------- Macsyma is a computer algebra system that was originally developed from 1967 to 1982 at MIT as part of Project MAC and later marketed commercially. It was the first comprehensive symbolic mathematics system; many of its ideas have been adopted by Mathematica, Maple, and other systems.

The project was initiated by William A. Martin (polynomial arithmetic), Carl Engelman, and Joel Moses (indefinite integration, simplifier) in July, 1968. Additional early work was contributed by many including J.P. Golden, R. W. Gosper, R. Schroeppel, Jon L. White, P. Loewe, T. Williams, Richard Fateman (rational functions, pattern matching, arbitrary precision floating-point), R. Zippel (power series), and Paul Wang (polynomial factoring limits, definite integrals).

Macsyma was written in Maclisp, and was, in some cases, a key motivator for improving that dialect of lisp in the areas of numerical computing and efficient compilation. Maclisp itself ran primarily on PDP-6 and PDP-10 computers, but also on Multics and Lisp Machines. Macsyma was one of the largest, if not the largest lisp program of the time.

In 1981, Moses and Richard Pavelle, an MIT staffer and proponent of applying Macsyma to engineering and science, proposed to form a company to commercialize MACSYMA. However, MIT invoked an apparently novel policy preventing MIT personel from profiting from MIT developments. In early 1982, Macsyma was licensed by MIT to Arthur D. Little, Inc., which became the broker for Macsyma and immediately licensed Macsyma to Symbolics in late 1982. Symbolics thereby kept Macsyma out of the software catalog of its competitor in the Lisp Machine business (LMI). The development of Macsyma initially languished since it was seen as an unprofitable diversion from the sales of Lisp machines, which they considered their main business. Eventually Macsyma was also released for DEC VAX-11 computers and Sun Microsystems workstations using Berkeley's Franz Lisp. When Symbolics folded, so too did the Macsyma division.

In 1982, under pressure from Fateman, then at UC Berkeley, MIT submitted a copy of Macsyma to the United States Department of Energy, one of the major funders of Macsyma development. This version of Macsyma was called DOE Macsyma.

--------------------------------- Three approaches to symbolic integration in the 1960's are described. The first, from artificial intelligence, led to Slagle's SAINT and to a large degree to Moses' SIN.

The second, from algebraic manipulation, led to Manove's implementation and to Horowitz' and Tobey's reexamination of the Hermite algorithm for integrating rational functions.

The third, from mathematics, led to Richardson's proof of the unsolvability of the problem for a class of functions and for Risch's decision procedure for the elementary functions. Generalizations of Risch's algorithm to a class of special functions and programs for solving differential equations and for finding the definite integral are also described.

------------------------------------ Numsym - 85, -88
Sov. anal. tietokonemenetelmiä


tampere06/ominaisarvot.mws, fouriersarjat.mws, Aaltoyhtalo.mws
- paloittain määritellyt funktiot
- osamurrot
- t- ja s-siirrot
- Diracin delta  s05/L11LaplaceDY.mws
- Piirrokset
Diffyhtälösysteemit L12maple.html
05/harj8av9lv.mws 05 l19dys.mws lienee paras. Tähän voisi jatkoksi laittaa numeerisen menetelmän alkuhomman.
lampoyhtalo.mws, vrt. Crank-Nicholson
Vertaa Laplace-numeriikkaan
http://math.tkk.fi/teaching/v/3/02/H/ratk/harj7lv.html Pariisin lämpötilat,
PNS sovitus
http://alpha.cc.tut.fi/mallinnus/linkkeja.html  Leave to Matti Heiliö
http://math.tkk.fi/teaching/v/2/02/L/SD.html Tähän liittyy harj8.

Heikki K Apiola
Last modified: Mon Dec 19 12:54:03 EET 2005