Special Course in Numerical Analysis: NumDyn09

Helsinki University of Technology,
22-30.04.2009 (1-4 credit pts)

A part of the Special Year in Numerics 2008-2009
of the Finnish Mathematical Society

Course overview

The course consists of three parts:
  • On Wednesday 22.4.2009, two lectures by Luca Dieci, Georgia Tech
    • On singular values of matrices depending on two parameters
    • Fundamental matrix solutions of piecewise smooth systems
  • Workshop on Numerics in Dynamical Systems, 23-25.4.2009 in hall E
    • 20 top level talks especially related to time integration.
  • mini course by Alexander Ostermann, Innsbruck, 27-30.4.2009.
    • Splitting Methods for Time Integration
It is not necessary to attend all events. You can choose to attend only those events you find interesting.

To pass the course you will need to return a concise workbook describing what you have attended, and what you have learnt. The workbook should be returned to Kurt Baarman, room U301, or by e-mail on 11.5.2009 at the latest. Bullet points are fine.

To get last minute anouncements by e-mail, send a note to Kurt Baarman.

Please register for the coffee at the workshop by sending a note to Samu Alanko that you will participate.

Contact information:
Professor Timo Eirola (Timo.Eirola@tkk.fi)
Assistant Kurt Baarman (Kurt.Baarman@tkk.fi)