Mathematical videos (Mellin hall)
Arabeskit ja geometria, 20 min
The shape of space, 15 min
The dynamics of the rabbit, 24 min
More information (in Finnish)
Mathematics education (contributed) (H)
Timo Tossavainen (UJo): Matematiikan opettajankoulutuksen haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia
Martti E. Pesonen (UJo): Dynaaminen geometria
Stochastics (contr.) (J)
Christel Geiss (JY): The discrete-time hedging error for the Lévy process model
Eija Laukkarinen (JY): Malliavin calculus for Lévy processes and fractional smoothness
Analysis (contr. 1) (L)
Glader Christer (ÅA): Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Problems with Circular Target Curves
Eriksson Sirkka-Liisa (TUT): Hyperbolic harmonic functions and their function theory
Erkama Timo (UJo): Aritmeettiset jonot polynomien sykleissä
Analysis (contr. 2) (U322)
Tuomas Hytönen (HY): Some new Carleson measure conditions and their connection to BMO
Ville Turunen (TKK): Pseudo-Differential Operators and Symmetries
Tero Vedenjuoksu (OY): The Stone-Cech compactification of topological groups
Discrete mathematics (U345)
Vesa Halava (TY): Hilbert's 10th problem and undecidability in matrix equations
Applied mathematics (contr.) (N)
Stefan Geritz (HY): Biomathematics
Ping Yan (HY): Three-dimensional Competitive and Competitor-competitor-mutualist Lotka-Volterra Systems
Ahti Rahikainen (TKK): Biomechanics in shot put
Analysis (contr. 3) (U356)
Suomala Ville (JyU): Which measures are projections of purely unrectifiable one-dimensional Hausdorff measures
Suvitie Eeva (UTU): On a short sum involving an inner product of a holomorphic cusp form and a Maass form
Wildrik Kevin (JyU): Doubling measures on incomplete spaces