Matemaattisia videoita (Mellin-sali)
Arabeskit ja geometria, pituus 20 min
The shape of space, pituus 15 min
The dynamics of the rabbit, pituus 24 min
Matematiikan opetus (kontr.) (H)
Timo Tossavainen (JoY): Matematiikan opettajankoulutuksen haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia
Martti E. Pesonen (JoY): Dynaaminen geometria
Stokastiikka (kontr.) (J)
Christel Geiss (JY): The discrete-time hedging error for the Lévy process model
Eija Laukkarinen (JY): Malliavin calculus for Lévy processes and fractional smoothness
Analyysi (kontr. 1) (L)
Christer Glader (ÅA): Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Problems with Circular Target Curves
Sirkka-Liisa Eriksson (TTY): Hyperbolic harmonic functions and their function theory
Timo Erkama (JoY): Aritmeettiset jonot polynomien sykleissä
Analyysi (kontr. 2) (U322)
Tuomas Hytönen (HY): Some new Carleson measure conditions and their connection to BMO
Ville Turunen (TKK): Pseudo-Differential Operators and Symmetries
Tero Vedenjuoksu (OY): The Stone-Cech compactification of topological groups
Diskreetti matematiikka (U345)
Vesa Halava (TY): Hilbert's 10th problem and undecidability in matrix equations
Sovellettu matematiikka (kontr.) (N)
Stefan Geritz (HY): Biomathematics
Ping Yan (HY): Three-dimensional Competitive and Competitor-competitor-mutualist Lotka-Volterra Systems
Ahti Rahikainen (TKK): Biomechanics in shot put
Analyysi (kontr. 3) (U356)
Ville Suomala (JY): Which measures are projections of purely unrectifiable one-dimensional Hausdorff measures
Eeva Suvitie (TY): On a short sum involving an inner product of a holomorphic cusp form and a Maass form
Kevin Wildrik (JY): Doubling measures on incomplete spaces