Mat-1.3422 Wavelet theory (3 cr L) autumn 2006

Lectures and exercise sessions

The lectures and exercise sessions, together 6 h/week during the first period are held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10-12 in room Y427B. There will be around 4 hours of lectures per week and 2 hours per week exercise sessions.

Content (preliminary)

Below are the approximations of a function using a sine series and a wavelet expansion using 200 terms in the expansions.

[Kuva] [Kuva]


You can complete the course by doing homework and taking part in the exam.

Study material

As the main study material lecture notes are used. They can be found in PS and PDf form on the homepage



Finnish or english depending on the needs of the students


The course is lectured by Gustaf Gripenberg.
office hours
and always when present
phane 451 3025


The information for the course is given on homepage or by email.
Comments, questions!!!