
  1. [CvL] Charles van Loan:Introduction to Scientific computing, A Matrix-Vector Approach using Matlab, Prentice Hall, 2000 Matlab-koodit, kutakin kirjan lukua vastaavat koodit ovat alihakemistossa CHAPTER.n, missä n=1..9.
  2. [CSCNum] CSC:n Numeeriset menetelmät käytännössä. Luettavissa kokonaisuudessaan myös: tästä.
  3. Numerical Computing with Matlab Uusi Matlab ja numeriikka-kirja, Cleve Moler (Matlabin isä), verkkoversio ilmestyi tammik. 04, kirjana tullee ennen kesää.
    Hyviä aiheita oppilaiden esiteltäviksi alkupuolella kurssia. Runsaasti hienoja m-tiedostoja. (Sijoitetaan matlab-hakemistoomme)
  4. [LP] Linfield-Penny: Numerical Methods using Matlab, Prentice Hall, 2000
    Introduction to Matlab (40 p.), several topics suitable for smaller or larger projects. A number a interesting exercises. Includes also a chapter on Matlab's symbolic toolbox (A Matlab-Maple-interface). A large number of references for further reading in each chapter.
  5. [HigMatl] D.J. Higham-N.J.Higham: Matlab Guide. Siam 2000.
    An excellent up-to-date Matlab-guide including interesting examples from various fields of numeric computing.
  6. [HigMatl] N.J. Higham: Accuracy and stability of Num. Algorithms, Siam 2002
  7. [BB] Biran-Breiner: Matlab 6 for Engineers, Prentice Hall 2002

  8. [G-Hr]: Gander-Hrebicek: Solving Problems in Scientific Computing using Maple and Matlab, Springer
    Includes a number of interesting projects from various fields of applications.
  9. [McC] MacCluer: Industrial Mathematics, Prentice Hall 2000
    Includes several topics, such as ODE, PDE, signal/image processing, etc. Up to date references for further study.
  10. [S-W] Shier-Wallenius: Applied Mathematical Modelling, Chapman&Hall/CRC, 1999
  11. [Koef] Koefler: An introduction to Maple and reference, Addison Wesley 1997
  12. [Coombes] Coombes-Hunt-Lipsman-Osborn-Stuck: Differential Equations with Maple, John Wiley 1996.
  13. [HAM] Heikki Apiola: Symbolista ja numeerista matematiikkaa Maple-ohjelmalla, Otatieto No 588, 1998 Kirjaan liittyvä www-sivu
  14. [Lynch]] Lynch, Stephen Dynamical systems with applications using MAPLE Boston, cop. 2001. - 398 s. Kustantaja: Birkhäuser ISBN 0-8176-4150-5
    Sijaitsee: Matematiikan ja systeemianalyysin kirjasto (Mat) U359b Y Mat
  15. [Coo] Cooper: Intro to PDE's with Matlab, koodeja: /p/edu/mat-1.174/matlab/cooper/
  16. Betounes: PDE with Maple, koodeja: /p/edu/mat-1.174/maple/betounes
  17. [Che-Kin] Cheney-Kincaid: Numerical Mathematics and Computing, Brooks/Cole, 5th ed. 2004
  18. [BF] Burden-Faires: Numerical Analysis
  19. [LAODE] Golubitsky-Dellniz: linear Algebra and ODE (Matlab)
  20. [RLS] Rick L. Smith: Matlab project book

Heikki K Apiola
Last modified: Fri Feb 6 15:57:27 EET 2004