Department of Mathematics /
In microlocal analysis we analyse functions and operators in the
phase space. For example R³'s phase space consists of pairs (x,p),
where x is a point in the space and p is a direction. When we study,
for instance, the solutions of the wave equation we can ask how the
discontinuities and other singularities of the wave propagate.
The tools of microlocal analysis can be used in the research of the
solutions of various differential operators. Some of these tools are
the concept of the wave front set of a distribution, pseudodifferential
operators and Fourier integral Operators. The goal of the course is to
give the fundamentals of these tools. Examples of the applications of
microlocal analysis can be found in the inverse problems (especially in
medical and geophysical imaging), the spectral theory of operators and
differential geometry.
Microlocal analysis has formed an important bridge between analysis,
geometry and mathematical physics. On 2004 Sir Michael Atiyah and
Isadore Singer got an Abel prize for their research on
pseudodifferential operators.
Prerequirements: Mat-1.015 Fundamentals of Modern Analysis (ModA) and Mat-1.140 Fundamentals of Functional Analysis.
Lectures: Wed. 12--14 and Fri. 12--14, U345 (starts
14.9.2004.), professor Matti Lassas,
e-mail:, Y319, p. 451 3069.
Exams: The exam date is agreed on during the course
Exercises: Wed. 14--16 U345 Assistant Pekka
Tietäväinen, e-mail:, Y336.
Exercises are available also on a folder next to the assistants
door. Students solve the exercises independently at home and the
solutions are discussed during the exercise sessions. For the done
exercises one gets points, which are taken into account when grades are
given. Model solutions for the exercises can be found in the course
folder in the math departments library. There will be 11 sets of
Exercises: Can be found in the finnish site .
Course Book: Grigis and Sjöstrand: Microlocal analysis for differential operators, Cambridge University press, 2000.
Background Information:
Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis.
Lars Hörmander, The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential
Operators I
Progress of the Lectures: Lecture notes are in the library.
For independent study there is a list of relevant sections of the
course book underneath.
Welcome to the course!
Matti Lassas
Pekka Tietäväinen