Numeerisen analyysin ja laskennallisen
tieteen seminaari
10.4.2006 klo
Prof. Dr. Aike Beckmann, University of Helsinki, Department of Physical
modelling of the global ice-ocean system
Abstract: An
increasingly large part of climate research involves the numerical
simulation of the components of the Earth system (atmosphere,
hydrosphere, cryopshere, biosphere). Ocean modelling is particularly
challenging due to the combined effects of Earth's roatation, varying
fluid stratification, highly variable topography and complex geometry,
leading to a geophysical multi-scale system. Much effort has been put
into the utilization of various coodinate systems, and the development
of suitabale parametrization for unresolved processes.
My presentation will first give an introduction to the basic problems
and some state-of-the-art solution methods, exemplified by idealized
process studies, e.g., the downslope flow of dense water.
In the second part of the presentation, the results of recent
glocal ice-ocean modelling studies are used to illustrate our progress
in simulating high latitude oceans and sea iec cover, as well as the
large influence of numerical algorithms and parameterizations even at
the today's highest achievable moedl resolution.