Numeerisen analyysin ja laskennallisen
tieteen seminaari
31.1.2005 klo
Antti-Pekka Jauho, Department
of Micro and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark
Current and
fluctuations in quantum shuttles
We introduce and review the properties of electron shuttles, i.e.
nanoelectromechanical devices that transport electrons one-by-one by
utilizing a combination of electronic and mechanical degrees of
freedom. The emphasis is on the extreme quantum limit, where the
mechanical motion is quantized. We introduce the main theoretical tools
needed for the analysis, e.g. generalized master equations and Wigner
functions, and we outline the methods how the resulting large numerical
problems can be handled. Illustrative results are given for current,
noise, and full counting statistics for a number of model systems.
Throughout the review we focus on the physics behind the various
approximations, and some simple examples are given to illustrate the
theoretical concepts. The experimental status is reviewed.
Recent journal articles from our group:
1. T. Novotny, A. Donarini, and A.-P. Jauho, "Quantum Shuttle in Phase Space",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 256801 (2003) (cond-mat/0301441)
2. T. Novotny, C. Flindt, and A.-P. Jauho, "Shot Noise of a Quantum Shuttle",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 248302 (2004) (cond-mat/0402597)
3. C. Flindt, T. Novotny, and A.-P. Jauho, "Current noise in a vibrating quantum dot
array", Phys. Rev. B 70, 205334 (2004) (cond-mat/0405512)
4. C. Flindt, T. Novotny, and A.-P. Jauho, "Full counting statistics of
nano-electromechanical systems", to appear in Europhys. Lett.
(2005) (cond-mat/0410322)
5. C. Flindt, T. Novotny, and A.-P. Jauho, "Current noise spectrum of a quantum shuttle",
to appear in Proceedings of FQMT04, Physica E (2005) (cond-mat/0412425)