Mat-1.3656 Seminar on numerical analysis and computational science

Monday Dec 1, 2008, room U356 at 14.15, Eirola & Stenberg

Sergey Korotov, TKK Mat

The longest-edge bisection algorithm

We shall present the longest-edge bisection algorithm, which chooses for bisection the longest edge in a given face-to-face simplicial partition of a bounded polytopic domain in $R^d$. Dividing this edge at its midpoint we define a locally refined partition of all simplices that surround this edge. Repeating this process, we obtain a family $\mathcal F=\{\mathcal T_h\}_{h\to 0}$ of nested face-to-face partitions $\mathcal T_h$. For $d=2$ we prove that this family is strongly regular, i.e., there exists a constant $C>0$ such that \meas $T\ge Ch^2$ for all triangles $T\in\mathcal T_h$ and all triangulations $\mathcal T_h\in \mathcal F$. In particular, the well-known minimum angle condition is valid.