A workshop on Computational Problems in Physics will be organized in Helsinki Finland, May 23 - 27, 2005.

Workshop structure

The workshop brings scientists in computational physics, applied mathematics, and numerical analysis together with young researchers in these fields.

The program consists of lectures and study groups' work, the latter occupying more than half of the schedule. Young researchers with different backgrounds work side-by-side and under the guidance of more experienced scientists on a few topical, cross-disciplinary, and challenging problems. The lecture sessions, given by leading scientists, will introduce the physical background and the essential mathematical techniques.

The workshop serves also as a research training course for PhD students.

Confirmed speakers

Physics: T. Ala-Nissilä, A. Brandenburg, H. Bruus, R. Metzler, R. Nieminen, M. Puska, A. Sudbø, A. Voigt; Mathematics:  T. Bäck, B. Engqvist, M. Hochbruck, S. Holmgren, M. Huhtanen, M. Katsoulakis, C. Klingenberg, A. Martin-Löf, A. Ostermann, O. Runborg, A. Szepessy.

Organizing and scientific committee

T. Ala-Nissilä, E. Aurell, T. Bohr, A. Brandenburg, H. Bruus, M. Brøns, T. Eirola, L. Eldén, S. Holmgren, M. Huhtanen, A.-P. Jauho, H. Jønsson, R. Metzler, R, Nieminen, B. Owren, O. Runborg, A. Sudbø, A. Szepessy S. Viefers

Supporting organisations

The event receives support from NordForsk, Nordita, and Finnish NGSMP.

Instructions for student reports

Instructions for making student reports can be found from here.

Questionnaire summary

The questionnaire results are provided in a questionnaire summary.


June 4, 2005
Some extra information concerning O. Runborg's informal session and M. Katsoulakis' talk has been added to the pages.
June 30, 2005
Dead-line for the group report.

The venue

the venue

Unitas Conference Center

cpip@math.hut.fi - Jul 24, 2024, 18:11: